RI 532. EA 537: Considerations of the following on 'mathematical rate of
the higher vibrations'.
"I cannot give you the relation of the planetary centers to the human
centers or of the systemic centers to the planets. JC:
Although much has been given us it seems that the exact or true relations between centres have not been given.
Too much knowledge would be given too soon and prior to the time
when there is enough love present in human nature to offset the possible misuse of energy with its often disastrous consequences.
JC: To much knowledge as we know can
be disastrous especially as DK informs us that there is not currently enough love present in the world to offset such misuse
of energy. It is the key to energy tapping and manipulation that this knowledge would bring to humanity. Possibly disciples
with a fifth ray inclination would cause much harm if they made such information available to aspirants. The selfish and separative
nature of even disciples and aspirants and definitely humanity would cause such energy to be wielded in a destructive way.
The colors, the mathematical rate of the higher vibrations which emanate
from the centers - individual, planetary and systemic - and the quality (esoterically understood) of the energies must be
the subject of human research and self-ascertained. The clues and the hints have been given in the Ageless Wisdom. The slower
method of research is the safer at present. JC:
Human research is much safer at this time when as the Tibetan Master says, there is not enough love for direct and exact knowledge.
This love was outlined as right human relations based on the new politics and new materialism. The restructuring of world
thought definitely needs to have been implemented. DK thought this might be possible even before 1966/75. The revelatory third
instalment required this as a pre requisite.
We are told that the clues and hints to the 'mathematical rate of
the higher vibrations' are given. The word 'rate' can also be understood as 'ratio' or magnitude of vibrational frequencies
relative to each. An example is here given... "A
cosmic wheel, or a group of seven constellations. These are grouped according to:
* Their magnitude,
* Their vibration,
* Their color,
* Their influence upon each other." TCF 1085.
JC: The magnitude or vibrational light display ranging from a causal body to a physical star is settled prior to incarnation
so this seems to suggest a relative constant light or vibratory emanation during each incarnation though that might display
fluctuations of magnitude as in Betelgeuse for instance which scientists have noted recently, or an increase noted by scientists
of a relative greater light display indicating possible egoic unfoldment or partial unfoldment in other stars. DK mentions
'occasional force emanating' from a star indicating apparent fluctuation in force or frequency of vibrational transference.
There is a pivotal reference on the revolution of the seven solar systems
and their magnitude relative to one another. I think that if there is a great degree of difference in magnitude they would
not be in the same grouping and so stars with great differences in luminosity are in different groups. Note that size, magnitude
and vibratory activity [even occasional] are taken into account. Magnitude is a factor within the groupings of constellations
and we must consider them so.
We know that the process of initiation involves a definite heightened transference
of electrical vibratory energy from the rod of initiation but this would result in a heightened and regular increased frequency
with ability to transmit soul or monadic light. This marks a life of greater magnitude and therefore stars of a hugely increased
magnitude could signify the touching of the rod of Initiation at whatever point in its incarnation. I especially note the
use of the term "will shine forth radiant as the Sun in His glory" and we can perhaps apply this to this current proposition
that a star may increase significantly in sustained magnitude and order consequent to Initiation.
"Scientists have not yet admitted into their calculations the fact that our solar system is revolving around a cosmic center
along with six other constellations of even greater magnitude in the majority of cases than ours, only one being approximately
of the same magnitude as our solar system." TCF 1084.
JC: The seven solar systems of which ours is one are clearly given their
relative levels of magnitude which indicate their relationship with each other. This relationship, apart from karma, will
be one of reciprocal energy transference and influence of a mathematical rate, or ratio of higher vibrational activity. Their
relative ratios of high vibration may be reduced to a mathematical formula and their specific quotient and quality be understood
to a far greater degree than hitherto. As far as systems/constellations are concerned the same may apply as to planets. Some
are "absorbers," others are "radiators," while some indicate dual activity
in transmutation. This indicates "interaction of solar energy, and the occult "give and take" or
exchange of solar and planetary forces understood occultly as light. This light obviously has its own inherent quality and
vibrational frequency according to magnitude and is the basis of astrology. For instance, that "constellation
which exists only in etheric matter" has a 'potent effect' on our system as a powerful 'radiator' because
"its influence is exceedingly potent within
our system". See TCF 1263.
"Magnitude - mahima. This is the power to expand one's consciousness
and thus enter into the greater whole as well as into the lesser part. LOS 346.
JC: In theory then, the greater the magnitude the greater the spiritual degree of the entity concerned. DK uses the term
magnitude to grade such entities as Betelgeuse and Antares or Regulus.
"Regulus, which is, as you know, a star of the first magnitude
and which is frequently called "the heart of the Lion." EA 300.
JC: Regulus is a star of the first magnitude and of "The first order
on the first plane" or the Divine, Adiattve – 1st
Cosmic Etheric Plane the plane named Cosmic Adi. This plane is where the logoic permanent atom is found and the plane
of first ray will and power implementing the law of vibration. It is surely therefore the reason that this star that will
effect a drastic change to the legal system governed as it is by the 1st ray and effecting in this instance the protection
of children universally applied. See EA 238.
"We are all graded, therefore, if it may be so expressed,
according to the magnitude of the light, according to the rate of vibration,
according to the purity of the tone and the clarity of the color. IHS 68.
JC: Planes, orders and magnitudes hold many hints and clues as DK expresses
it in relation to vibrational frequency and indeed mathematical rate if greater research is undertaken in accordance with
the suggestion given by DK through HPB and AAB. If I might offer a suggestion also that the devas of the seventh to the first
orders or planes offer us great hints or suggestions for our synthetic thought.
"Betelgeuse from the occult standpoint is a system of the second
order, just as our solar system is one of the fourth order. TCF 1255.
"The first order on the first plane. TCF 667.
"The second order on the monadic plane. TCF 668.
"The devas of the physical plane, though divided into the three groups A, B, C, are under
another grouping spoken of as "the Devas of the Seventh Order." The seventh order is peculiarly linked to the devas
of the first order on the first plane. TCF 667.
devas of the sixth order, as might be expected, are closely linked with those of the second order on the monadic
plane. TCF 668.
"Our solar Logos, being a
Logos of the fourth order, will begin to coordinate His cosmic buddhic body, and as He develops cosmic mind He will gradually
achieve, by the aid of that mind, the ability to touch the cosmic buddhic plane. TCF 115.
"It is not possible here to do more than indicate the seven types of vibrationsto which our solar Logos (functioning in a material body) will
in due course of time consciously, and fully, respond. He responds to vibrations of the first, second, third and fourth orderquite
fully at this time, but as yet (though responding) cannot fully, and consciously, utilize these types of energy. The vibration
of the fifth orderis recognized by Him, particularly in three of His centers, but is not as yet fully under His control. The
other twoare sensed, and felt, but so remotely as to be almost outside the range of His consciousness. TCF 554.
"In mathematics , a ratio
expresses the magnitude of quantities relative to each other. Specifically, the ratio of two quantities indicates how many
times the first quantity is contained in the second and may be expressed algebraically as their quotient ." wikipedia.
JC: Of interest:
JC: This indicates that the higher frequencies of vibration or the mathematical
frequencies of the energy of the seven rays and planes as they are proportionately stepped down from the systemic,
planetary to the human centres will be given as part of this next instalment of the Ageless wisdom. The greater key to energy
usage and much more is pending. We have the ABC'. " In the next century and early in the century an initiate will appear and will carry on
their teaching. It will be under the same "impression" for my task is not yet completed and this series of bridging Treatises
between the material knowledge of man and the science of the initiates has still another phase to run. But the remainder of
this century must be dedicated to rebuilding the shrine of man's living, to reconstructing the form of humanity's life, to
reconstituting the new civilization upon the foundations of the old and to the reorganizing of the structures of world thought,
world politics, plus the redistribution of the world's resources in conformity to divine purpose. Then and only then will
it be possible to carry the revelation further." RI 532.
Again from Esoteric Astrology:
"I cannot give you the relation of the planetary centers to the human centers
or of the systemic centers to the planets. Too much knowledge would be given too soon and prior to the time when there is
enough love present in human nature to offset the possible misuse of energy with its often disastrous consequences. The colors,
the mathematical rate of the higher vibrations which emanate from the centers - individual, planetary and systemic - and the
quality (esoterically understood) of the energies must be the subject of human research and self-ascertained. The clues and
the hints have been given in the Ageless Wisdom. The slower method of research is the safer at present. In the next century
and early in the century an initiate will appear and will carry on their teaching. It will be under the same "impression"
for my task is not yet completed and this series of bridging Treatises between the material knowledge of man and the science
of the initiates has still another phase to run. But the remainder of this century must be dedicated to rebuilding the shrine
of man's living, to reconstructing the form of humanity's life, to reconstituting the new civilization upon the foundations
of the old and to the reorganizing of the structures of world thought, world politics, plus the redistribution of the world's
resources in conformity to divine purpose. Then and only then will it be possible to carry the revelation further.
All this is dependent upon the triumph of the Forces of Light and the consequent victory of those who stand for human freedom.
If the forces of materialism and cruelty triumph and selfish and wicked national interests and ambitions had prevailed, the
revelation would still come but very much later. The issue is not in the balance and there is no need to despair. The courage
of those fighting for freedom remains unimpaired. The Hierarchy stands. Light is breaking in the world as the realities of
the situation emerge more clearly.
Be of good cheer for there is no true defeat of the human spirit; there is no final extinction of the divine in man, for
divinity ever rises triumphant from the darkest pit of hell. There is need however to overcome the inertia of the material
nature in response to human need, individually and by the nations not engrossed with the essentials of the situation. This
shows signs of happening. There is no power on Earth which can prevent the advance of man towards his destined goal and no
combination of powers can hold him back." EA 537.
"Yet the mystery in connection with this is so profound that unless the student carefully guards himself from too mathematical
and material a concept, he will go astray. The etheric centers of man are not on the same plane as the etheric centers of
a planetary Logos. His centers are on the plane of the fourth cosmic ether, the systemic buddhic plane, and it is only when
man has taken the final initiation that his energy becomes incorporated into that of the planetary center on its own plane.
The etheric centers of the planetary Logos are transmitters and transmuters of force, and bear the same relation to Him as
do the physical centers to a human being. All the dense physical centers, such as the mouth, for instance, are transmitters
of some type of energy arising in the human brain or will.
The understanding of force, of force transmission, and of the effects of liberated force upon the higher planes is the
secret of occult knowledge. Force or energy flows in from the Ego. It works through the etheric centers and produces results
on the three planes, varying according to the age of the soul. As yet, through lack of alignment, this egoic force does not
reach the physical brain as fully as it later will, but it does reach the astral centers." TCF 862.
"Well may Isis Unveiled (p. 514) tell us that 'sounds and colors' are all
spiritual numerals; nor is that all, for odors, metals and planets are equally spiritual numerals. Each planet (or spiritual
plane) has relation to a metal and a color. These again are in corelation with a corresponding odor and sound." TCF 449.
"Different rates of motion and vibration mark the changes in the character
and form and also the planes of action of all substance in manifestation." TT3 225.
"The clues and the hints have been given in the Ageless
Wisdom. The slower method of research is the safer at present." RI 532/EA 537.
JC: The purpose of this paper carefully guards and distinguishes the
differences and esoteric meaning between mathematical or numerical proposition and that of magnitude or relative frequency
of light vibration and does not lead the student into the exoteric realm of mathematical or material concept only.
"The colors, the mathematical rate of the higher vibrations
which emanate from the centers - individual, planetary and systemic - and the quality (esoterically understood) of the energies
must be the subject of human research and self-ascertained. The clues and the hints have been given in the Ageless Wisdom."
RI 532.
JC: The mathematical rate of higher vibration of planes/rays. The Seven Rays, each have a specific higher vibrational rate [oscillation] or value
on one or other of the seven planes. Each plane [level of consciousness] vibrates [synchronously] to one or other of the seven
rays. Each Ray vibrates to its own measure which differs to that of other rays. The seven rays are of differing rates of higher
mathematical vibration/oscillation and quality and of evolutionary unfoldment. This may be reduced to a mathematical formula.
A vibration can be understood as a back-and-forth
motion/energy/oscillation around a point of rest or, as a variation of any property of a system around a reference or fixed
value/level. Atomic matter vibrates according
to the plane upon where it is drawn.
According to the calculations in the Secret Doctrine per J.W.K and H.P.B.
I have deduced the vibrational increase in atomic oscillation or higher rate of frequency per second as being x3 per intra
sub plane, meaning that each additional sub-plane provides an increase in atomic vibration or livingness/consciousness by
three times that of its lower subplane, sounding the keynote or group vibrational oscillation/frequency of the plane in total
formulated as:
X * 3 where X = the number of vibrations per second/frequency,
for any higher plane or intra division vibration.
I have therefore calculated the "sixth sub-division" of vibration
plus the seventh sub division, a sidereal septenate as follows. This holds the mathematical value and key to the sidereal
‘positive vibratory association’ to the Vril force "luminiferous ether" of the fourth ether up to first ether
and beyond. We must bear in mind that it is said that beyond the realm of the fourth ether, of the cosmic dense physical,
we are advised that its human computation is impossible at time of writing. Thus with the aid of modern day electronic calculation
technology, and when that exceeded hand calculation, I have mapped out the higher vibrational formula starting with the cosmic
physical plane and extending to the cosmic mental plane at present.
By its colour,
By its vibration,
By its direction,
By its keynote. TCF 563.
"A cosmic wheel, or a group of seven constellations. These
are grouped according to: * Their magnitude, * Their
vibration, * Their color, * Their influenceupon each other. These cosmic wheels, according to the esoteric books, are divided
into forty-nine groups, each comprising millions of septenary constellations. TCF 1085.
JC: Investigating further the forty nine groups. Each single group within
the 49 groups holds millions of "seven solar systems" which are occultly termed for reasons I have indicated as septenary
constellations. Therefore as DK infers there are forty nine grades of grouped cosmic logi or OBWNMBS'. Forty nine divisions
of OBWNMBS' according to "size, magnitude, quality, vibratory activity, and objective of those great forms through which an
Existence is experiencing". Size and magnitude indicate achieved status, rank or order, and Objective indicates the initiatory
goal lying ahead of them towards being synthesised into or achieving absolute consciousness. There are 49 grades in Initiatory
status or rank [posited] as possible of achievement by all OBWNMBS' before being synthesised into the CSS or UNIVERSAL MONAD
of absolute consciousness understood as the One Absolute Reality. Absolute consciousness or Kosmos is the 'pure noumenon of
thought' and yet the beginning, for it is the beginning and the end, of vistas of absolute being and consciousness within
Universal abstract thought or mind of that UNIVERSAL MONAD. We are merely told of such a universal monad yet it is the beginning
as well as the end.
Although we are told that the Universal Monad is un-knowable and beyond
our range of human thought, we still can through correspondence and reason approach its original quality or sub standing root
noumenon as being thought! Thought unlike that even a resplendent Cosmic logi may conceive of. But original thought no less.
Aught that deviates from this original thought is rectified over periodic and cyclic manifestation through Karma.
It seems that the magnitude of light display is settled prior
to the incarnation of the ego or such a one as a OAWNMBS so this seems to suggest a relative constant light emanation during
each incarnation but not taking into account great expansions of consciousness as Initiation. I posit that the 49 groups of
seven fold solar systems or septenary constellations, are the groups of high brothers treading the path to the Absolute consciousness
according to their general group magnitude as DK indicates, and that they are trained and entered for Initiation as a small
group of brothers [out of the millions of constellations in each not necessarily all proceeding forward at the same time of
course] each heading for the same goal. These millions of septenary constellation [in 49 groups] are the 'seven focused points
of influence' of three galaxies which comprises our OAWNMBS and his three aspects. OAWNMBS' of greater rank order or magnitude
of consciousness may have more galaxies of stars comprising his threefold body of experience. In my mind the term "many suns
compose the cosmic One" refers to "suns of all degrees" as they orbit the CSS Parabrahm, which is the cosmic one.
"These cosmic wheels, according to the esoteric books, are divided into
forty-nine groups"
The cosmic wheels are divided into 49 Groups of cosmic wheels holding millions of constellations.
"each comprising millions of septenary constellations".
JC: Crucially though as I see it at the
moment Each of these groups of 49 comprise of Millions of septenary constellations. Or seen another way, Each single group
[of the 49] groups holds millions of septenary constellations and this is repeated within each one of the forty nine groups.
So millions of septenary constellation x49, graded x49, according to x49 symbols, and their mutual influence and individual
The clues and the hints have been given in the Ageless Wisdom." RI 532.
1. Molecular vibrations at 100,000,000 per second.
2. Inter-molecular vibrations at 300,000,000 per second
3. Atomic vibrations at 900,000,000 per second
4. Inter-atomic vibrations at 2,700,000,000 per second
5. AEtheric vibrations at 8,100,000,000 per second
6. Inter-AEtheric vibrations at 24,300,000,000 per second. SD1 562.
7. Atomic vibrations = 72,900,000,000 per second. JC.
The vibrational frequency of the physical permanent atom
8. Astral sub-plane vibrations = 218,700,000,000 per second. JC.
9. Astral sub-plane vibrations = 656,100,000,000 per second. JC.
10. Astral sub-plane vibrations = 1,968,300,000,000 per s. Hz. And so on
presently calculated to the cosmic mental plane.
1. The Seven Rays each
have a specific higher vibrational rate [oscillation] or value upon one or other of the seven planes.
2. Each plane [level of consciousness]
vibrates [synchronously] to one or other of the seven rays and is of differing rates of mathematical value.
3. Each Ray vibrates to its own measure
which differs to that of every other ray.
4. The seven rays are of differing rates
of higher mathematical vibration/oscillation and quality, and of evolutionary unfoldment.
5. This may be reduced to a mathematical
6. A vibration
can be understood as a frequency, a back-and-forth motion/of energy/or rate of oscillation around a point of rest or mean
7. As a
variation of any property of a system around a reference or fixed value/level. JPC. 4/7/10.