We must of course see
the term "relativity" in the occult sense if we are to see truly. All earthly existence is maya and subject to the great law
of karma and therefore attraction and repulsion. MM informs us that the "law of relativity" applies to infinity and that the
law of relationship hold over all earthly existence as well as the higher spheres of existence. There is relativity in all things, under the law of karma, and without karma there is no differentiation.
MM indicates that "relationship to the surroundings changes and spatial work ceases" as "emulation" to the far off worlds
is achieved.
Morya foresees the need to accept the multiple form of relativity. This is very
clearly based on the existing and revelatory work of Tsong Khapa who was a Buddha of the eighth degree.
A like relativity exists in the world of Karma or cause and effect and is expressed by myself as Km=mdlc2 as another "step" in the relativity of infinity.
Karmic mass and energy are equivalent and
transmutable and therefore may be worked off in a literal sense. When applied to Karmic mass for instance Einstein's, formula
takes into account only the energy/mass relativity of the current material body and does not account for the "cyclic return"
or motion of mass in karmic evolution. Nor does it account for how that mass is gained or applied to a succession of incarnations
or the process of such an accumulation and its multiplication or divisibility in "degree of arc". Agni Yoga accepts the "fact"
of the law of "relativity" in "opposites" and states that relativity "establishes" one from the other.
Agni Yoga accepts the "fact" of the law of
"relativity" in "opposites" and states that relativity "establishes" one from the other. This is a fundamental `law of the
universe'. E=mc2 or energy equals mass with mass being the opposite of energy and vice versa, spirit matter, matter spirit,
as HPB stated in 1888, "Where is that Force or that Energy which can be thought of without thinking of matter"?
"In actions
and in thinking we cannot be isolated from matter… It is possible to prove scientifically this inter-relationship.
It is likewise possible to demonstrate scientifically how the quality of our thinking acts on matter." NEC 101.
JC: Again, Agni Yoga demonstrates
that actions and thought cannot be "isolated from matter". We are also told that it is scientifically provable that the quality
of our action and thought has effect on matter. This I have sought to demonstrate in the fourth law of action at a distance
forces and as a reduction to a scientific formula. MM observes that we might realise that "the science of relativity" does not close the "path to infinity"
and that indeed relativity spirals and is manifest in all applications and processes and progresses into infinity.
us realize that even science, by its relativity, keeps open the path to Infinity."
FW1 629.
truth of relativity has been accepted in mathematics, and all former calculations have proved erroneous. A like relativity
exists in the world of evolution. The concepts of light and darkness, happiness and unhappiness, labor and rest, are
likewise subject to the same law of relativity. When We speak of progress in thinking, We foresee the need of accepting this
relativity. Precisely, the concept of the steps of ascent is beautiful." Inf
17. 1930.
expands into Infinity." FW2 109.
JC: The law of relativity as applied by karma,
is, as far as the evolution and redemption of matter and "evolutionary movements" are concerned, the "One Absolute, as One
eternal ever present Cause" and "action of cyclic law". The Law of Karma is a "greater law" a "basic law" and the "one law
related closely to the "one life", absolute and eternal.
Albert Einstein spent the last two
decades of his life searching for a Unified Field Theory after his stupendous discovery e = mc². km = mdlc² fulfills and supersedes
this being applicable to and formulative of the "One absolute, eternal and ever applicable Cause and cyclic Law" of the Universal
mind and of the occult science of "karmic relativity" as discussed
by Lord Tsong Khapa and Master Morya.
All things are relative, related and subject
to change. The relativity of Master Morya and Albert Einstein assert this as a fact as does the ageless wisdom. The absence
of any intrinsic self reality applies to the the first reality of Tsong Kapa's teaching, as in mans understanding of
consciousness of "things" through language and of their relatedness to all things and their cause and effect.
Peerless philosophy is of the realm of a perfectly
enlightened Buddha. Tsong Kapa speaks lucidly about the "truth body" of a Buddha. His philosophy speaks of Nirvana and Samsara
being ultimately the same in that they are empirically subject to analysis and measurement. Yet they are exact opposites and
only understood by opposite or transcendent modes of cognition even though they are contained within each other. The vehicles
used to apprehend such opposite states of awareness are themselves transcendent to one another. An understanding of relativity
as the only esoteric science able to contain this is essential.
Tsong Kapa says, " I assign "thatness" in
its use in the direct sense of "absolute reality". Thatness means in context, truth, reality, principle and imminent absoluteness.
This "Thatness" is then HPB's "boundless immutable principle, one absolute reality". She states "Ãdi Tattva, in Esoteric Cosmogony,
is the Force which we refer to as proceeding from the First or Unmanifested LOGOS."
He states that were it otherwise the "body
of truth" the Dharmakaya monadic vesture would "be mere talk". This is an emphatic agreement with the "boundless immutable
principle, one absolute reality" of the Secret Doctrine of HPB which is denied by some scholars. Indeed, he concurs that were
the transcendent states not cognizable or opposites, the Dharmakaya vesture would not be a reality and the buddhas would not
be perfected. Therefore there is an absolute reality to these opposite realms. He states that "through cultivation
of transcendent insight, we can come to direct awareness of its empirical factuality". The faculty of transcendent insight
is that of the apprehension of the state of relativity in all things.
Of interest is the point that the buddha
is able to contact the pure white light in his truth body and reflect or refract the seven chromatic colours within his buddhic
vehicle and be a transmitter of all the rays. The symbol of the diamond reflecting the rainbow light is most appropriate,
with the thunderbolt representing electric fire within the higher monadic vesture containing within its body of truth a proportion
of the one absolute reality, boundless immutable principle.
The One great existence
initiates vibration which is motion and therefore differentiation with gradation of vibration and frequency, according to
Karma. To deny the fundamentals of occultism is to deny the existence of the great breaths, the absolute existence and eternal
reality of energy and under occult law its modification and densification without loss and its evolution and refinement of
infinite magnitude. To deny ray energy is a mathematical impossibility and would break the laws of physics and cosmic mathematics,
not to mention the one law of karma. The constant of higher relativity is the spiritual ray numeral.
the Maya of the ancients is equivalent to our law of relativity. Thus, in paragraph 322, of Fiery World, Vol I, it is said:
"The entire perceptibility of the Subtle World is relative, varying according to the development of the consciousness." LHR1
JC: The perceptibility
of the subtle world or inner planes is in accordance with the development or expansion of consciousness. According to our
perception will we recognise the laws of relativity. Helen Roerich asks us not to forget the "law of relativity" of the manifested
world, with which Einstein's earth shattering law explains. Also, that the degrees of manifestation of spirit/matter are Infinite. The laws of relativity and physics determine the armour of hierarchy and the law of ancient dominating good.
If we take into consideration the law of relativity,
that of MM and Albert Einstein, decent and ascent of ray energy, we should also factor in the "one absolute reality" the "boundless
immutable principle" which pervades throughout the entire universal solar system or system of stars [solar logi]. This principle
is absolute Will or spirit which initiates the push to manifestation and is the 1st principle or cosmic logos. This motionless
cause gives rise to the 2nd and 3rd logi.
The boundless life thread passes through every
star and planet, every monad, every soul and every Master, Initiate and human being. It is this thread of life which pervades
all un-manifest and manifested life and is indeed the very heart thread which enables one to know or sense the connection
with the soul and the Master and the group.
The soul/solar angels endeavour is "Having
pervaded the universe or worlds with a fraction of myself, I remain." This fraction is the incarnate personal self or physical
mask. Yet the soul ever remains identified with the group of souls and with the kingdom of spirit.
This spiritual connection via soul and monad
and the universal monad is the one absolute reality, boundless and immutable. In its true nature it is inconceivable and beyond
human though, yet the connectivity is a reality and boundless in Infinity.
the manifested world, everything is passive and active concurrently. Do not forget the law of relativity. Also, remember that
the stages or degrees of manifestation of spirit-matter are infinite!" LHR1
The existence of One (Absolute) Transcendental
Reality, its dual aspect in the manifested Universe, and the illusoriness or RELATIVITY of all that is manifested. LHR 2 323.
JC: We are considering
the incarnation into matter of the "one absolute reality" spirit in matter and its relativity and degree of illusion through
all that is manifested under the "One Law which governs" KARMA or km=mdlc². We must bear in mind always that this 'fraction' or reality, whether incarnated within a human, a Disciple/Initiate/Master
or planet/Star or Constellation are always a fraction relative to other fractions or proportion of absolute reality.
Absolute reality in its truest sense is as
discussed, incomprehensible on a relative scale, to both a human and a stupendous entity that en-souls a huge constellation.
All is relative and this is why Tsong Khapa taught the understanding of 'relativity'. he wrote "Praise of Relativity".
The "experience of relativity is most recommended
in the saviour/protectors teachings, and not that of absolute nothingness, nor that of intrinsic reality". The teaching on
relativity is then a key formula to his teachings.
Thus only [proportionate] "intuitive wisdom"
is recommended for understanding the relativity of peerless philosophy, according to Je Tsong Khapa.
The ONE LIFE is closely related to the one law which
governs the World of Being -- KARMA. Exoterically, this is simply and literally "action," or rather an "effect-producing
cause." SD1 634.
Karma is diffused in all actions. FW3 99.
JC: The perceptibility
of the subtle world or inner planes is in accordance with the development or expansion of consciousness. According to our
perception will we recognise the laws of relativity. Helen Roerich asks us not to forget the "law of relativity" of the manifested
world, with which Einstein' earth shattering law explains. Also, that the degrees of manifestation of spirit/matter are Infinite.
We are considering the incarnation into matter of the "one absolute reality" spirit in matter and its relativity and degree
of illusion through all that is manifested under the "One Law which governs" KARMA or Km=mdlc2.
It is precisely because Karma is "diffused in all actions"
that the fourth law, "fourth and yet first and basic law under the law of attraction and repulsion. This is the higher aspect
to gravitation known as cyclic return of matter and supersedes though encompasses the forces of Electricity, Magnetism and
Gravitation. Karmic force is therefore the fourth law of "at a distance forces" manifesting as the cyclic return of disturbed
or disharmonised substance" contains within all these subsidiary laws. There is no action contained within the Newtonian laws
of gravitation and Motion or within Einstein's laws of general and special relativity that are not contained within or affected
by the "circulatory motion of mass/substance" under the one law of Karmic relativity or "ancient relationship" as DK uses
the term.
"Imperfection or RELATIVITY
is perceived only in the perpetual motion of forces in the light of the existing concept of One ETERNAL REALITY. You
will realize that it is only in our consciousness that all manifestations acquire one or another coloring and one or another
quality. There are as many degrees of knowledge and qualities of manifestations as there are consciousnesses." LHR 2 324.
matter, in mass, moves in a circular mode of motion, yet the circle does not close on the return of the [26] mass to its starting
point. It overlaps and takes a spiral course, corresponding to the rounds of a spring. The Law which governs this mode of
motion is commonly termed the Cyclic Law." TT2.
is equally difficult for people to accept the fact of the relativity of good and evil. Only its opposite establishes the one
or the other." AY 247.
JC: This 'living relation' then, is a demonstration of "All souls are one with the Oversoul" The human mind grows through
acquiring knowledge and the petals record that which is acquired. The many fields of recorded human knowledge symbolise developing
soul relationship.
This is balanced through the unfolding of the love principle through sentient
living and relations. The Tibetan uses the important phrase "sentient response to conditions which exist" and this is exactly
how we unfold and grow as individuals and had been the case since the dawn of humanity. How we approach existing conditions
and learn to adapt and record the knowledge gained is the natural tenancy of the human mind and a living demonstration of
"All souls are one with the Oversoul" as we advanc towards wholeness, unity and perfection. In group companionship,
The Boundless Immutable Principle gives understanding
and meaning to 'Existence itself'. If we can train ourselves to see a differentiated fragment of this absolute purpose
in everything around us we learn to see the cause and effect in ever illuminating circumstances working out in our lives.
In seeing a fragment of the ONE LIFE such cause and effect begins to dawn upon our mind/soul, which is a fragment of the universal
mind or Oversoul and thus we learn the true meaning of brotherhood and solidarity. In fact, we have entered the world of meaning
and approach the world of significances.
We do know that the manifested universe is contained within this absolute reality and that all differentiation
carries a spark of its root, a minutia of its purpose and that the law of relativity and correspondence holds key to its comprehension
as a modification. The Universe is a "conditioned symbol" and thus we can apply this reasoning along with the law of karma
[closely related to the one life] to begin to interpret everything around us as conditioned modifications of the ideal blueprint
of the absolute. This is occult philosophy and has real import to the practice of meditation, SERVICE, LIFE and the STONE.
"The words "All souls are one with the Oversoul" may and do, I believe,
embody a basic and essential piece of information, but unless there is evidence in the world that there is appearing a living
relation between all sentient beings, then the statement is meaningless. But the fact is that universal sentiency and a general
awareness are recognized everywhere as existing and as developing. The world is full of knowledge, which is in the last analysis
sentient response to conditions which exist, by minds which are developing but are not fully developed. It is becoming gradually
apparent that under diversity lies a basic unity, and that our awareness is right and true and correct in so far as we can
identify ourselves with this unity." EP1 xxv.
It is a most
important point that in whatever manifestation atom or logos, it is an
"aspect of the Unknown Root" as Chohan Hilarion describes it and is intricately linked as the soul to the oversoul. HPB said that the root of this soul exists
within each atom although the atom is the illusory body and All
is relative and has 'differing
degrees of power' and this is why Tsong Khapa taught
the understanding of 'relativity'.
said 'spirit is matter and matter is spirit and both are illusion.' Spirit is illusion compared to the absolute reality which
creates spirit. Yet it is through illusion small and great indeed that we all sometime far ahead will come back to the absolute.
In the mean time we are in for a magnificent journey of mind expansion. Mind is the phenomena and nomena is the absolute root
of mind, or "the pure
noumenon of thought" according to the Secret Doctrine. This thread of conciousness links all souls with the Oversoul for the
Oversoul is the phenomena of group thought or conscious mind. This clearly indicates the manasic relation between Oversoul
and absolute reality.
"Forget not
that 'relating our planet to the planet Venus is a planetary antahkarana, passing from thence to the Heart of the Sun and
later to the cosmic mental plane. There are "rainbow bridges" carrying the sevenfold energies of the seven rays from planet
to planet, from system to system, and from plane to plane on cosmic levels. It is over these bridges that the will of the
related spiritual Identities is projected, producing that synthesis of effort which is distinctive of the cooperative systemic
life." RI 406.
DK also
advises this relativity as understood through the law of correspondences. To try to formalise via the written word is a great
act of service and demonstration of the link between the brain and the soul and in fact strengthens the conscious thread called
the Antahkarana and as we know this bridge of rainbow colour is where all ashrams are found and where all souls are one with
the oversoul. It is via this bridge human, planetary or cosmic that the seven rays are conducted via the will through the
differing levels of manifestation carrying the purpose of related spiritual entities to their plane of experience.
effort and synthesise of purpose is demonstrated through out the systems. We should ponder on the fact that the planetary
logos has to build the planetary antahkarana and link his soul with the planetary oversoul. All human antahkaranas constitute
the planetary one and this lead to higher spiritual evolution. When pondered upon we can see just what DK means when he said
"realms of realization and vistas of spiritual unfoldment" can be known.
JPC. 11/27 January 2009.