Esoteric Philosophy: Study of the Endless Path of Wisdom

Health care, Capitalism & Socialism and World Goodwill

Love of Money
Birth date of Jesus Christ
Health care, Capitalism & Socialism and World Goodwill
The Honey Bee
Pitchblend and Radio activity
Embryo un-polarised
Fifth ray, USA, Thomas Jefferson, Duke d'Orleans
Climate Change
Roman history
Abraham Lincoln and the money powers
Atheism and Positive Philosophy
Reich School for SS Leaders
The mathematical rate of the higher vibrations
The Blue Lodge
Sixth Race Types and the Second Round
Human entity Second Degree Initiate
Bell and Vajra
Master DK' dual Fifth Initiation
Youth of Sixteen Summers
Karma, the One Absolute Reality and Relativity
Planetary timings for the Fourth degree Initiation
Lord Tsong Khapa and Scientific Materialism
Lord Tsong Khapa and Mind-Only (citta-matra)
Hatred of the West
Buddhist Doctrine

"In the new world order, the governing body in any nation should be composed of those who work for the greatest good of the greatest number and who at the same time offer opportunity to all, seeing to it that the individual is left free. Today the men of vision are achieving recognition, thus making possible a right choice of leaders. It was not possible until this century." EXT 191.

"A healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants—everywhere in the world." FDR. January 6, 1941. EXH 319.

1939. Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Message to Congress on the National Health Program.

To the Congress:

"In my annual message to the Congress I referred to problems of health security. I take occasion now to bring this subject specifically to your attention in transmitting the report and recommendations on national health prepared by the Interdepartmental Committee to Coordinate Health and Welfare Activities.

The health of the people is a public concern; ill health is a major cause of suffering, economic loss, and dependency; good health is essential to the security and progress of the Nation.

Health needs were studied by the Committee on Economic Security which I appointed in 1934 and certain basic steps were taken by the Congress in the Social Security Act. It was recognized at that time that a comprehensive health program was required as an essential link in our national defenses against individual and social insecurity. Further study, however, seemed necessary at that time to determine ways and means of providing this protection most effectively.

In August, 1935, after the passage of the Social Security Act, I appointed the Interdepartmental Committee to Coordinate Health and Welfare Activities. Early in 1938, this committee forwarded to me reports prepared by its technical experts. They had reviewed unmet health needs, pointing to the desirability of a national health program, and they submitted the outlines of such a program. These reports were impressive. I therefore suggested that a conference be held to bring the findings before representatives of the general public and of the medical, public health, and allied professions.

More than 200 men and women, representing many walks of life and many parts of our country, came together in Washington last July to consider the technical committee's findings and recommendations and to offer further proposals. There was agreement on two basic points: The existence of serious unmet needs for medical service; and our failure to make full application of the growing powers of medical science to prevent or control disease and disability.

I have been concerned by the evidence of inequalities that exist among the States as to personnel and facilities for health services. There are equally serious inequalities of resources, medical facilities and services in different sections and among different economic groups. These inequalities create handicaps for the parts of our country and the groups of our people which most sorely need the benefits of modern medical science.

The objective of a national health program is to make available in all parts of our country and for all groups of our people the scientific knowledge and skill at our command to prevent and care for sickness and disability; to safeguard mothers, infants and children; and to offset through social insurance the loss of earnings among workers who are temporarily or permanently disabled.

The committee does not propose a great expansion of Federal health services. It recommends that plans be worked out and administered by States and localities with the assistance of Federal grants-in-aid. The aim is a flexible program. The committee points out that while the eventual costs of the proposed program would be considerable, they represent a sound investment which can be expected to wipe out, in the long run, certain costs now borne in the form of relief.

We have reason to derive great satisfaction from the increase in the average length of life in our country and from the improvement in the average levels of health and well-being. Yet these improvements in the averages are cold comfort to the millions of our people whose security in health and survival is still as limited as was that of the Nation as a whole fifty years ago.

The average level of health or the average cost of sickness has little meaning for those who now must meet personal catastrophes. To know that a stream is four feet deep on the average is of little help to those who drown in the places where it is ten feet deep. The recommendations of the committee offer a program to bridge that stream by reducing the risks of needless suffering and death, and of costs and dependency, that now overwhelm millions of individual families and sap the resources of the Nation.

I recommend the report of the Interdepartmental Committee for careful study by the Congress. The essence of the program recommended by the Committee is Federal-State cooperation. Federal legislation necessarily precedes, for it indicates the assistance which may be made available to the States in a cooperative program for the Nation's health." January 23, 1939. FDR.

17 April 2010.

JC: This indicates the general trend or direction in which the progressive movement and people of goodwill must inevitably be aiming for in considering 'different economic groups'. FDR highlights in the full document, health security, economic security and social security and social insurance not private corporate insurance. Security is mentioned several times in fact. Social security is also mentioned in the Atlantic Charter given by hierarchy.

Socialism treading between the opposites of capitalism and communism is still the great experiment pursued in the United Kingdom as outlined by the Tibetan Master. Socialist tendencies are found at the very heart of the Labour movement and indeed it is the "middle path" that will prove the correct path for both the United States of America and Russia.

The relations between Capital and Labour will eventually find a balance in this middle path as extreme capitalism is checked and brought under control via the middle way of right human relations. Extreme capitalism has wrecked the world according to DK and today we find this has been the case and that a cycle of money control is being sought. Extreme positions between free enterprise and socialist programme in either case is untenable. The balance and norm is found in the heart of the labour movement.

"In Great Britain, the problem of socialism is being resolved and the sound judgment of the people will eventually balance the two conditions of a socialist program and free enterprise; this needs doing, for the extreme position in either case is untenable." RI 633.

JC: The forces of materialism must be countered and brought under control if humanity is to progress as intended. Still the great conglomerates and financial institutions seek to hold the material wealth of labour, the united working and striving people, in their greedy hands. They have corrupted the labour mass with promise of greater wealth and ownership letting the people forget that material things will not bring freedom or entrance into the kingdom of god.

It is the force of the capitalists that have destroyed the sense of common ownership through councils and municipals for the welfare of the mass. It is the capitalists that have fed the mass with promise of share investments and personal wealth that has polluted the very well springs of humanity and wrecked the world situation further.

The hope of humanity lies in the rediscovery of the true middle ground socialist labour movement as free from capitalist policies as is possible. Humanity finds its normal focus and inherent centre of goodwill in the heart of the Labour movement, initiated by the the English Master. Reactionary conservative politics in the world is not the norm for humanity esoterically understood for it is freedom from slavery to the past values of ownership and possession [selfishness] and it is justice that lies at the very heart of the labour movement.

These often fighting forces of party politics can be balanced through a "wise coalition" based on just treatment and appreciation of the need and culture of the individual based on right human relations and Goodwill through a true and willing co-operation. Coalition is the great experiment that will lead eventually to a peace between the warring parties left and right. This will place a sound emphasis on "a socialist program and free enterprise". Both positions in their extreme, which left to themselves is always the case, are untenable and self destructive. Together they can bring in the Libran energy of balance and justice which should marry with the stage of the forerunner and of no man's land speaking astrologically.

"The norm of humanity lies at the heart of the labor movement." PH 78.

"The hope of Great Britain lies in her socialistic tendencies which enable her to take the "middle path" between the communism of Russia and the capitalism of the United States." PH 172.

JC: According to DK, the term 'capitalism' was negative generally, "the capitalistic system has emerged and has wrecked the world." We are also told that the heart of humanity is focussed in the Labour movement. The 'love of money is the root of all evil' and this is due to the selfish desire of humanity as a basic weakness. Capitalism as expounded by DK in the ageless wisdom emerged in the middle ages, through the industrial revolution and Victorian times and is still the basic root of evil today. Today the Labour movement is not free of capitalism though still strives for the greater group rather than the comparative few.

"The norm of humanity lies at the heart of the labor movement." PH 78.

"We need to grasp somewhat this picture of a worldwide condition of misery, based on both the capitalistic and the labor movements, to see this entire picture realistically and fairly. In some form or another the interplay between capital and labor, between employer and employee and between the monied interests and the exploited masses has been present. With the steam age, the scientific age, the age of electricity and the age of planetary inter-communication, this evil grew and spread. Capital became more and more potent; Labor became increasingly restless and demanding. The culminating struggle was presented in the world war and its aftermath, a thirty year war in which capital implemented the war and the efforts of labor won it. PH 78.

"Into great capitalistic systems and monopolies to be found as towering structures in most lands. Whether this capital is owned by the government, or by a municipality, or by a handful of wealthy men or by the great labor unions matters not. Little of it is yet spent in reality for the betterment of human living, or for the inculcation of the values which will lead to right human relations." EXT 624.

"The major asset which labor has over capital is that it is working for countless millions whilst the capitalist works for the good of a few. The norm of humanity lies at the heart of the labor movement." PH 78.

"The responsibility for the widespread misery to be found today in every country in the world lies predominantly at the door of certain major interrelated groups of business men, bankers, executives of international cartels, monopolies, trusts and organizations and directors of huge corporations who work for corporate or personal gain. They are not interested in benefiting the public except in so far that the public demand for better living conditions will enable them - under the Law of Supply and Demand - to provide the goods, the transportation, light and power which will in the long run bring in heavier financial returns." PH 71.

"First of all, it must be recognized that the cause of all world unrest, of the world wars which have wrecked humanity and the widespread misery upon our planet can largely be attributed to a selfish group with materialistic purposes who have for centuries exploited the masses and used the labor of mankind for their selfish ends. From the feudal barons of Europe and Great Britain in the Middle Ages through the powerful business groups of the Victorian era to the handful of capitalists - national and international - who today control the world's resources, the capitalistic system has emerged and has wrecked the world." PH 70.

JC: re "the intended group life, group purpose and group fusion". Community is the prime ideal presented by the great white brotherhood. Vision and purpose is seen in the group integration rather than self centred individualism [rational self-interest] albeit a necessary though potentially dangerous stage to be encountered and worked through. One of the prime reasons for teachers such as AAB, HPB and Tsong khapa was to counter and bring forth a wisdom teaching tending to the expansion of the consciousness quite contrary to any fast growing decent to materialism and indeed tenancy towards Atheism. The goal is a community of brothers acting in the highest interest of humanity and tending to its spiritual evolution whilst establishing a sound world based on goodwill and working for the good of the greater group rather than the selfish few.

"People everywhere are joining groups of all kinds and working steadily in group formation; these can be regarded as preparatory classes in group fusion and group work. Among those in these many groups - functioning in every land - will be found those who form part of the subjective groups which the Hierarchy is everywhere forming upon all rays, on every plane and under many varying astrological aspects." DINA2 110.

"So I summon you to a new phase of intense, inner living and dynamic thinking, but this time with a group objective - the objective of group fusion, group united thinking and group relation. . . . It is the inner life of reflection, the cultivated recognition of the soul and the reflective alignment of soul and personality which will determine the success of this work." DINA1 28.

JC: Stimulation of the will to serve and of the polar opposite, self will or egocentric individualism or self interest. World and national glamour distorting and presenting the superstate/superpowers and lack of freedom by those not "not polarized in the divine will":

..."Shamballa. Its effect is necessarily twofold. It produces in certain nations, races and individuals, a welling up of the self-will or of the will-to-power which is characteristic of the developed lower nature, the personality aspect of integrated selfhood. It produces - though less readily - a stimulation of the will-to-serve the plan as it is grasped by the world aspirants, the world disciples and initiates. Thus are the purposes of Deity materialized.

Owing to the world glamor, the true purpose and ideal set before our planetary forces by the all-creating Will becomes distorted by many people.

They are not polarized in the divine will but are as yet centered in their personalities and hence only the few appreciate the beauty of the intended group life, group purpose and group fusion.

Group living tends to the fulfilment of free will in service and a free subordination of the lower will to the higher purpose in group formation.

Through the glamor contacted, however, this group activity and life becomes twisted into the imposed will and the concept of the superstate. This produces the imprisonment of the mind and the curtailment of all freedom, all free thought and free will. The man becomes the captive of the man-made state. This gives a clue to much that is happening today and to the headstrong progress of the glamored peoples, to the stiffening of individuals in their separate, wrong idealisms and to their acceptance of the imposition of a rule of life and an order of living which is imposed upon them by force and which is not the free expression of a free people." EA 377.

JC: The principles of right human relations and the World Goodwill movement which was Initiated by Foster Bailey in 1952 via Lucis Trust is an educative attempt to illustrate the principles of sharing and goodwill via love in action and demonstration by example and word. The task of all NGWS is to exemplify such and to inform themselves of this fundamental world movement of which all disciples are a part and probationary disciples are fast becoming aware.

DK foresaw that the world economic situation needed great changes. Changes that worked more towards the principle of sharing the wealth of the world. The principle of sharing is a hierarchical principle we are learning to understand. The world economic situation is driven primary between selfish or individualist use of money and between the hierarchical attempt to force and control the world financial system into the principle of sharing and good economy rather than greed. I think that some control of money may appear selfish but is today forming part of the work to move money or prana to force world changes. These changes will ultimately be motivated by hierarchical forces for the good.

Such financial workers operate and enforce a dictatorship over commerce and exchange, according to DK, and though we might not understand a shorter term financial movement or policy the longer term motive is one of goodwill.

Group Consciousness:
"The goal for the evolution of man is group consciousness, as exemplified by a planetary Logos." TCF 7.

"With all the basic truths of Socialism, it can never come into full Power in any nation until the central cell ¨C the nucleus ¨C the right man takes his rightful position, among his fellows, with six adherents, no less rightly placed.

The Divine law governing construction of form will nullify every effort, until that hour strikes, and the rebellious ¨C the anarchistic leaders of the minority, who are always in opposition to that law, will bring into effect that which must inevitably follow upon the manifesting of such a man, i. e., division of interests ; and thereby will set in action the forces which will bring success or failure to the body as a whole, and in either case great suffering to the world, which will last until the law has eliminated the destructive forces or has changed them into constructive forces, and the government of the Nation is carried on by those who recognize the Father-Motherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man." Temple Teachings Vol 1 246. Hilarion. 1925.

"The point which I am here making is that through the influence of Mercury and Neptune the group consciousness of the individual is developed, so that through the tests in Scorpio and the experience in Aquarius the disciple emerges on the physical plane into the position of a world server; all world servers are decentralized workers and are governed by the need and the reactions of the mass or group." EA 219.

"Then, as life goes on, the man passes out of the atomic stage to a higher and a better one, when he becomes cognizant of his group relationships, when he becomes aware that he has group responsibilities, and that he has functions to work out with other separate atoms. The group consciousness begins to make itself felt. Thus the human atom finds its place within the group, the larger unit to which it belongs, and the love aspect begins to show itself. The man has passed out of the atomic stage into that of group coherence." CA 88.

JC: The problem, if there is one, is the defining that a DK student promotes socialist policy as determined in exoteric political text. I dont think this fairly deals with what is clearly an ideaology or politic that is just the balance or attained for balance between capital and labour as outlined by the Tibetan.

Capitalism is not bad, Its only the excess greed that capitalists repeatedly display and that causes world destabilisation that is bad. Who pays the taxes, we do, and very willingly but that does not excuse the morons that want to tax dodge and horde away vast sums of prana then expect to be bailed out by the tax payer. What do you think DK meant when speaking of the well intentioned cycle of money control? If the hierarchy ever externalises what kind of world government would there be. Until the world gets itself sorted out we will be a long time waiting.

"The idea of a spiritual Hierarchy which will govern the people throughout the world and will embody in itself the best elements of the monarchial, the democratic, the totalitarian and the communistic regimes." DN 10.

JC: There seems to be much first ray in the spiritual hierarchy on considering the above paragraph if we factor in the best of the monarchical and the totalitarian regimes. Hierarchy rules from the top down and is stern and austere accepting no compromises in its law. Principles and interpretation of DK' teachings have been distorted beyond recognition as for instance his discussion on socialist and right human relations as for instance the kind of Socialism that "can be more democratic than the present expressions of Democracy". Then there are the conservative reactionaries.

"where principles are involved the Hierarchy knows no compromise." EXT 429.

Here is the outline for the new world order presented by DK and AAB.  Firstly the new world order must meet immediate need not a distant and idealistic vision. The later is redundant according to the Tibetan. It is the foundation of the later world order once reconstruction and the 'new politics' and 'new materialism' has taken root. It represents the new civilisation.

Balance between Labour and Capital must be overcome. Therefore a stabilized world economy and equality must be in the making. Men of vision will choose the leaders for the greatest good. Its possible this century. Unity, only in the field of education will be permissible. No other Uniformity will be sought for or imposed. Fair distribution of resources according to need and requirement will preside with those that produce more requiring more and those that produce less due to economy will have all they need and give only as they are able to under economy.

Disarmament will be mandatory and regulated under law. No arms manufacture or weapons distribution will be allowed and the world economy will be free of their black market and open distribution. Disarmament will be regulated and not optional for the new world order.

"Certain major and spiritual premises should lie back of all efforts to formulate the new world order. Let me state some of them:

1. The new world order must meet the immediate need and not be an attempt to satisfy some distant, idealistic vision.
2. The new world order must be appropriate to a world which has passed through a destructive crisis and to a humanity which is badly shattered by the experience.
3. The new world order must lay the foundation for a future world order which will be possible only after a time of recovery, of reconstruction, and of rebuilding.
4. The new world order will be founded on the recognition that all men are equal in origin and goal but that all are at differing stages of evolutionary development; that personal integrity, intelligence, vision and experience, plus a marked goodwill, should indicate leadership. The domination of the proletariat over the aristocracy and bourgeoisie, as in Russia, or the domination of an entrenched aristocracy over the proletariat and middle classes, as has been until lately the case in Great Britain, must disappear. The control of labor by capital or the control of capital by labor must also go.
5. In the new world order, the governing body in any nation should be composed of those who work for the greatest good of the greatest number and who at the same time offer opportunity to all, seeing to it that the individual is left free. Today the men of vision are achieving recognition, thus making possible a right choice of leaders. It was not possible until this century.
6. The new world order will be founded on an active sense of responsibility. The rule will be "all for one and one for all." This attitude among nations will have to be developed. It is not yet present.
7. The new world order will not impose a uniform type of government, a synthetic religion and a system of standardization upon the nations. The sovereign rights of each nation will be recognized and its peculiar genius, individual trends and racial qualities will be permitted full expression. In one particular only should there be an attempt to produce unity, and that will be in the field of education.
8. The new world order will recognize that the produce of the world, the natural resources of the planet and its riches, belong to no one nation but should be shared by all. There will be no nations under the category "haves" and others under the opposite category. A fair and properly organized distribution of the wheat, the oil and the mineral wealth of the world will be developed, based upon the needs of each nation, upon its own internal resources and the requirements of its people. All this will be worked out in relation to the whole.
9. In the preparatory period for the new world order there will be a steady and regulated disarmament. It will not be optional. No nation will be permitted to produce and organize any equipment for destructive purposes or to infringe the security of any other nation. One of the first tasks of any future peace conference will be to regulate this matter and gradually see to the disarming of the nations.

These are the simple and general premises upon which the new world order must begin its work. These preliminary stages must be kept fluid and experimental; the vision of possibility must never be lost, and the foundations must be preserved inviolate, but the intermediate processes and the experimentations must be carried forward by men who, having the best interests of the whole at heart, can change the detail of organization whilst preserving the life of the organism." EXT 192.

"It is not the communistic theories which are necessarily wrong; it is the technique and the methods, rampant in the totalitarian lands, which are counter to the spiritual plan. Imposed Communism and all totalitarian methods imprison the human soul, and breed fear and hatred everywhere. Should the democratic principles therefore be imposed upon the world or any part of the world by a totalitarian regime, it would be equally wrong." RI 745.

JC: It is no more true to say that men are free in all instances in democratic countries than it is to say so of Communist Russia for instance. Both communist and democrat countries are equally guilty of excess capitalism as DK tells us. What is clear, is that students have a natural political bias. They may see socialism as bad because when it is enforced it displays coercion and is against the freedom of hierarchy. The same with communism and they voice the same motives and methods. This in itself is true and as far as I am aware has not been disputed. The worst aspect of totalitarianism crushes the spirit of a country and is akin to and worst than murder of an individual.

The socialism that DK speaks of, the kind that in its highest form is more democratic than present democracy has a part in a future world government. Capitalism in its present form does not. Therefore, 'true communism' and 'true socialism' for instance the kind of Socialism that "can be more democratic than the present expressions of Democracy" have a place in the governance of humanity according to DK just as the highest form of totalitarianism does in the future hierarchical externalisation.

Here there is a distinction and it does not serve anyone to say that this is coercion and force in government or they completely miss the point. These expression can only be worked out in current and succeeding governments [hense the NWO is possible from time of DK writing and into the future] for these energies have to be experimented with and handled by humanity as in dealing with the polar opposites of capital and labour and conservatism and a more socialist democracy. DK favours the greater good for the greater number and therefore of the Labour movement initiated by the English Master, though it now has basic capitalistic problems. If the right handling of money and its regulation and control is not mastered we are told by DK that it will be withdrawn and we will have to find another way. 

Upon referencing the nine points of the NWO.

JC: Firstly the new world order must meet immediate need not a distant and idealistic vision. The later is redundant according to the Tibetan. It is the foundation of the later world order once reconstruction and the 'new politics' and 'new materialism' has taken root. It represents the new civilisation.

Imbalance between Labour and Capital must be overcome. Therefore a stabilized world economy and equality must be in the making. Men of vision will choose the leaders for the greatest good. Its possible this century. Unity, only in the field of education will be permissible. No other Uniformity will be sought for or imposed.' JPC.

"In the US, even though we have "Social Security," the word "socialist" is often used as a pejorative term. This is interesting in that the word "social," "society" are positive. DK only makes two references to socialism, and in each case in a relatively positive context: James Davis.

"There is again the ideology of Socialism which is regarded by some as a basic evil. Socialism can degenerate into another form of totalitarianism, or it can be more democratic than the present expressions of Democracy. These issues will emerge clearly in Great Britain, where the socialist point of view is gaining ground among the masses, but which at present is a mixture of nationalization of the public utilities and of free enterprise - a combination which may have true value, if preserved." The Rays and the Initiations

"In Great Britain, the problem of socialism is being resolved and the sound judgment of the people will eventually balance the two conditions of a socialist program and free enterprise; this needs doing, for the extreme position in either case is untenable. This today presents a conflict which all the world is watching. The transition period between group living (in the true and spiritual sense) and the present and past period of an intense individualism is not easy, and in Great Britain the whole matter is being put to the test. The bridge will be built." The Rays and the Initiations.


"The discoveries of healing science must be the inheritance of all. That is clear. Disease must be attacked, whether it occurs in the poorest or the richest man or woman simply on the ground that it is the enemy; and it must be attacked just in the same way as the fire brigade will give its full assistance to the humblest cottage as readily as to the most important mansion. Our policy is to create a national health service in order to ensure that everybody in the country, irrespective of means, age, sex, or occupation, shall have equal opportunities to benefit from the best and most up-to-date medical and allied services available." Winston Churchill
March 2, 1944.


JC: A black lodge agent, an avatar of materialism such as Otto Von Bismark, is more than capable of initiating and engineering a plan set to thwart or hinder an in principle sound embryonic social plan aiming towards civil rights, open society and a welfare state, set to take political headway in 1875 through the merger of two German Marxist based socialist parties and spreading throughout the labouring masses.

Bismark foresaw the growing trend to socialism which in itself was the hierarchical awakening of the masses later to be more effectively seeded as the labour movement by the English Master. His own political goals and objectives in seeding fascism and totalitarianism and thus preparing the way for his successor Adolph Hitler was to usurp and thwart social party objectives and he therefore began the implementation of a health and social security plan that was the for-running model of the later social security and health service as in for instance Great Britain.

This latter social system was inaugurated and implemented by the compassionate conservative Winston Churchill in 1944 and marked the starkly contrasting one by way of motive and implementation of Otto Von Bismark's.

His emphasis was on one third employer contribution and two thirds personal contribution forming a 'private health' and 'social insurance'. Bismark's material vision was to reduce social political appeal and group coherence by way of mimicking progressive policy through appeasement and selfish motive to maximise worker productivity and political allegiance to his own agenda of the unification of Germany in full knowledge of the coming world wars, seeking axis world domination.

Socialism was in reality outlawed under Bismark's iron rule and was replaced by an infant Fascism as authoritarian and totalitarian in essence. To this day "Socialized medicine" is a negative term used particularly in the United States to refer to publicly-funded health care.

Today reactionary conservative ideology condemns anything resembling socially orientated policy particularly in health care and is in favour of an Insurance based model administered by the great financial institutions rather than the state. This is a modern parallel to the cost being met by the employer rather than the state.

Bismark's reluctant and appeasing social plan is paralleled in reactionary conservatism found in the USA in the past. A true socially caring model as found in the United Kingdom along with models based on the state implemented structure such as outlined by FDR and Churchill are white Lodge inspired. There is a very clear distinction to be seen and this is a good exercise in discrimination.

"Bismarck worried about the growth of the socialist movement — in particular, that of the Social Democratic Party. In 1878, he instituted the Anti-Socialist Laws. Socialist organizations and meetings were forbidden, as was the circulation of socialist literature. Socialist leaders were arrested and tried by police courts. But despite these efforts, the movement steadily gained supporters and seats in the Reichstag. Socialists won seats in the Reichstag by running as independent candidates, unaffiliated with any party, which was allowed by the German Constitution.

Then the Chancellor tried to reduce the appeal of socialism to the public by trying to appease the working classes. He enacted a variety of social programs. Bismarck’s social insurance legislations were the first in the world and became the model for other countries. The Health Insurance Act of 1883 entitled workers to health insurance. Accident insurance was provided in 1884, old age pensions and disability insurance in 1889, he even thought of insurance for unemployment. Other laws restricted the employment of women and children. Irrespective of these progressive programs, the working classes largely remained unreconciled with Bismarck's conservative government." wikipedia.

"Bismarck’s program centered squarely on insurance programs designed to increase productivity, and focus the political attentions of German workers on supporting the Junker's government. The program included health insurance, accident insurance, disability insurance, and a retirement pension, none of which were then currently in existence to any great degree.

Based on Bismarck’s message, The Reichstag filed three bills designed to deal with the concept of Accident insurance, and one for Health Insurance. The subjects of Retirement pensions and Disability Insurance were placed on the back burner for the time being. The social legislation implemented by Bismarck in the 1880s played a key role in the sharp rapid decline of German emigration to America. Young men considering emigration looked not only the gap between higher hourly 'direct wages' in the United States and Germany but also the differential in 'indirect wages,' that is, social benefits, which favored staying in Germany. The young men went to German industrial cities, so that Bismarck's insurance system partly offset low wage rates in Germany and furthered the fall of the emigration rate.

Health Insurance Bill of 1883

The first bill that had success was the Health Insurance bill, which was passed in 1883. The program was considered the least important from Bismarck’s point of view, and the least politically troublesome. The program was established to provide health care for the largest segment of the German workers. The health service was established on a local basis, with the cost divided between employers and the employed. The employers contributed 1/3rd, while the workers contributed 2/3rds . The minimum payments for medical treatment and Sick Pay for up to 13 weeks were legally fixed. The individual local health bureaus were administered by a committee elected by the members of each bureau, and this move had the unintended effect of establishing a majority representation for the workers on account of their large financial contribution. This worked to the advantage of the Social Democrats who – through heavy Worker membership – achieved their first small foothold in public administration.

Accident Insurance Bill of 1884

Bismarck’s government had to submit three draft bills before they could get one passed by the Reichstag in 1884. Bismarck had originally proposed that the Federal Government pay a portion of the Accident Insurance contribution. Bismarck’s motive was a demonstration of the willingness of the German government to lessen the hardship experienced by the German workers as a means of weaning them away from the various left-wing parties, most importantly the Social Democrats. The National Liberals took this program to be an expression of State Socialism, which they were dead set against. The Center party was afraid of the expansion of Federal Power at the expense of States Rights. As a result, the only way the program could be passed at all was for the entire expense to be underwritten by the Employers. To facilitate this, Bismarck arranged for the administration of this program to be placed in the hands of “Der Arbeitgeberverband in den beruflichen Korporationen”, which translates as “The organization of employers in occupational corporations”. This organization established central and bureaucratic insurance offices on the Federal, and in some cases the State level to perform the actual administration. The program kicked in to replace the health insurance program as of the 14th week. It paid for medical treatment and a Pension of up to 2/3rds of earned wages if the worker was fully disabled. This program was expanded in 1886 to include Agricultural workers.

Old Age and Disability Insurance Bill of 1889

The Old Age Pension program, financed by a tax on workers, was designed to provide a pension annuity for workers who reached the age of 65 years. At the time, the life expectancy for the average Prussian was 45 years. Unlike the Accident Insurance and Health Insurance programs, this program covered Industrial, Agrarian, Artisans and Servants from the start. Also, unlike the other two programs, the principle that the Federal Government should contribute a portion of the underwriting cost, with the other two portions prorated accordingly, was accepted without question. The Disability Insurance program was intended to be used by those permanently disabled. This time, the State or Province supervised the programs directly." wikipedia.


"Such inspired leadership is now being given to humanity by Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt, in contradistinction to the focused leadership of the forces of materialism through Hitler and another man in his group." EXT 301.

"Abraham Lincoln, coming forth from the very soul of a people, and introducing and transmitting racial quality - a quality to be worked out later as the race unfolds." EXT 298.

"Coming forth correspondingly from the realm of cosmic evil, and responsible for the focus of materialism upon the planet today was Bismarck." EXT 298.

