"Initiation V - Revelation - Ray I
The Energy of the Will-to-Good. Power.
This initiation has always been called in the
Christian church by the name of the Resurrection, whereas it is the seventh initiation which is the true resurrection. The
correct name for the fifth initiation is the Initiation of Revelation; this signifies the power to wield light as the carrier
of life to all in the three worlds, and to know likewise the next step to be taken upon the Way of the Higher Evolution. This
Way is revealed to the initiate in a new light and with an entirely different significance when the fifth initiation is taken.
It is the true time of emergence from the tomb of darkness and constitutes an entrance into a light of an entirely different
nature to any hitherto experienced.
Development and revelation or (if you so prefer
it) a developing revelation, form essentially the entire theme and objective of all activity upon our planet. This gives us
a clue to the goal of the planetary Logos. All life, from the first descent of the soul into incarnation, is only a series
of revelations, all of which lead up to the revelation accorded at the fifth initiation. The relation
between the fifth and the seventh initiations is exceedingly deep and mysterious. It is the revelation accorded in the fifth
initiation which makes the seventh initiation possible. The Master, as He emerges at the fifth initiation
into the light of day, realizes in that light:
1. The true and hitherto unknown significance
of the three worlds which he has viewed almost entirely from the angle of meaning. Now its significance is apparent, and the
revelation is so tremendous that "he withdraws into the world of light and joins his brothers. He gathers all his forces and
seeks new light upon the Plan. That light shines forth and with the force of its revealing power, new loyalties arise, new
goals are seen, and that which shall be and the thing which is, both become lost in the radiant light of revelation."
2. That the first vibration or influencing energy
of the cosmic ray of prevailing energy in its highest aspect is the Ray of Love-Wisdom, and this is now contacted; this is
made possible by the Master's response to the first Ray of Power or of the Will-to-Good, experienced
in its second aspect at the fifth initiation. Forget not that all rays have three aspects, and that all three
can be contacted by the human consciousness of the spiritual man, thus placing at his disposal the energies of the seven rays
and of the twenty-one forces. It is this synthesis which is revealed at the fifth initiation and - as I said above - the combination of these forces produces the Ascension; this is an exceeding great mystery and
one which cannot as yet be grasped by you. From the height of the Mount of Ascension light is
thrown upon the hierarchical Plan in such a manner that the purpose in the mind of the planetary Logos is (for the first time)
truly grasped.
3. From that height also, the mystery of the
human soul is revealed and a great triangular pattern will be seen, relating the human spirit to the world of forms, to the
united Hierarchy and to the Council Chamber of the Lord. Upon this I may not here enlarge, for we must not diverge too far
from our study. One thing only can be said: from that high place, atma-buddhi-manas (will, love and intelligent action) can
be seen in united activity and the theory of an existing Plan and the belief in the three divine aspects, or in the Trinity
of Energies, is factually demonstrated.
The first Ray of Will or Power is distinguished
by the highest known divine quality (there are others still higher). In the word, Goodwill, the secret purpose of the planetary
Logos is hidden. It is being slowly brought to the attention of humanity by means of the three phrases: God is Love. Goodwill.
The Will-to-Good. These three phrases, in reality concern the three aspects of the first ray.
When a Master takes
the fifth initiation He already knows the significance of the first two aspects, and must become consciously aware of the
highest aspect: the Will-to-Good. He has developed in Himself "the love necessary to salvation, His own and
that of those He loves, His fellowmen;" all His actions and His thinking are qualified by goodwill, in its esoteric sense,
and the significance of the Will-to-Good lies ahead of Him and will be later revealed.
As this first ray is not in incarnation at this
time, and therefore souls who can fully express it are absent, the entire theme anent this type of energy, and its influence
and quality when related to the energies and the forces, is most difficult to express. Each great ray, as it comes into incarnation,
transforms the speech of the cycle, enriches the existent vocabulary, and brings new knowledge to humanity; the many civilizations
- past and present - are the result of this.
I would ask you to consider the
relation of the fifth initiation, the fifth Ray of Science and the first Ray of Will, for there lies the key to the revelation
accorded to the initiate-Master.
As you can see, we are venturing into realms
far beyond your comprehension; but the effort to grasp the unattainable and to exercise the mind along the line of abstract
thought is ever of value.
It must be remembered therefore (and I reiterate)
that the revelation accorded to the disciple-initiate is along the line of the first Ray of Will
or Power, and that is a ray which is as yet a long way from full manifestation. From one angle, it is of course
always in manifestation for it is the ray which holds the planet and all that is upon it in one
coherent manifesting whole; the reason for this coherent synthesis is the evolutionary effort to work out divine purpose.
The first ray ever implements that purpose. From another angle, it is cyclic in its manifestation; here I
mean from the angle of recognized manifestation - and such is the case at this time." RI 646.