Esoteric Philosophy: Study of the Endless Path of Wisdom

Planetary timings for the Fourth degree Initiation
Love of Money
Birth date of Jesus Christ
Health care, Capitalism & Socialism and World Goodwill
The Honey Bee
Pitchblend and Radio activity
Embryo un-polarised
Fifth ray, USA, Thomas Jefferson, Duke d'Orleans
Climate Change
Roman history
Abraham Lincoln and the money powers
Atheism and Positive Philosophy
Reich School for SS Leaders
The mathematical rate of the higher vibrations
The Blue Lodge
Sixth Race Types and the Second Round
Human entity Second Degree Initiate
Bell and Vajra
Master DK' dual Fifth Initiation
Youth of Sixteen Summers
Karma, the One Absolute Reality and Relativity
Planetary timings for the Fourth degree Initiation
Lord Tsong Khapa and Scientific Materialism
Lord Tsong Khapa and Mind-Only (citta-matra)
Hatred of the West
Buddhist Doctrine

Ideal planetary timings for Initiation: Fourth degree Initiation taken between January 21th and February 19th of any year. Whilst the Fifth being taken between February 20th and March 20th of any given year.

JC: Ideal planetary timings for Initiation: Fourth degree Initiation taken between January 21th and February 19th of any year. Whilst the Fifth being taken between February 20th and March 20th of any given year. These are the actual timings when planetary influences are most ideal for Initiation ceremonies such as these.

The beauty of Jesus Christ's crucifixion and ressurection Initiation timing in Pisces between February 20th and March 20th , is that it gives authentication to the easter festival timing especially an early one. Its not that far off and gives an occult dimension to it all. In LH the actual months are given relative, in my mind, to the 4th initiation and whether they are world servers or saviours such as Jesus Christ. The first being Aquarius for the world server under hierarchy and the second being Pisces for a world saviour directly connected to Shamballa. To me this indicates the month in which the inner ceremony initiation event can take place. It also concurs with the EA reference.

In Aquarius during this world cycle because it is, in a peculiar way, a culminating sign for the majority of people... A rare few consummate the experience of life upon the three Crosses in the sign Pisces, and so become world saviours... The bulk, however of the world initiates climax their experience in Aquarius and become liberated world servers." EA 141.

In Aquarius (January 21 - February 19, the Water Carrier), ... One may think with reverence of Jesus the Christ washing the feet of his disciples, after following the man with the water pitcher on his shoulder, into the upper room.

In Pisces (February 20 - March 20, the Fishes), ... Such is the crowning beauty of the sign in which man becomes a world savior, all that is of animality having been redeemed and transcended. Interpolated. LH 229.

JC: We might wish to consider then, the possibility that the vast majority eligible, experience the fourth Initiation event whilst the Sun is in Aquarius, as Planetary influences are unusually potent in that sign i.e. between January 21th and February 19th of any given year that the Initiation ceremony might be taken. This in order to "consummate the experience" or "climax their experience in Aquarius". They do not necessarily have to be born in that part of the year. These are some thoughts for our consideration.

"At stated periods in the year the Lodge meets, and at the Wesak Festival gathers under His jurisdiction for three purposes:
1.  To contact Planetary force through the medium of the Buddha.
2.  To hold the principal of the quarterly conferences.
3.  To admit to the ceremony of initiation those who are ready in all grades.

Three other initiation ceremonies take place during the year:
1.  For the minor initiations administered by the Bodhisattva, all of which are in the department of the Mahachohan, and on one or other of the four lesser rays, the rays of attribute.
2.  For the major initiations on one or other of the three major rays, the rays of aspect, which are administered by the Bodhisattva, and are therefore the first two initiations.
3.  For the higher three initiations at which Sanat Kumara wields the Rod." IHS 107.


16 Dec 2008.